—  Drowning doesn't look like drowning: the problems and solutions —  Virtual Meeting

Speaker:     Jim Spiers
     Drowning doesn't look like Drowning: the Problems and Solutions
:    Tom Tranchilla 

Speaker Bio:
Jim Spiers
Founder + CEO SwimJim NY + SwimJim TX President, Stop Drowning Now Foundation
Jim is a career and life-long professional in all aspects of swimming and water safety instruction, coaching and teaching methods.

In collaboration with two-time Olympic Gold medalist Catherine Fox, Jim created the first learn-to-swim program and methodology combining early childhood development and Olympic-level stroke and body positioning technique. Jim has educated and trained teachers and students for over 35 years.

A Texas native, Jim moved to New York in 1990 to operate a growing swim school program while contemporaneously creating a children’s theater program. Eventually he founded his own enterprise and SwimJim was born in 1998. Soon, the effectiveness and results of the SwimJim program garnered feature articles in the New York Times, as well as TV and radio appearances/interviews on NPR, Good Morning America, Fox and Friends, Inside Edition, Sirius/XM Dr Radio show, Martha Stewart Radio and numerous children's magazines.

Most recently, Jim assumed the presidency of the Stop Drowning Now Foundation, a non-profit focused on drowning preventing education. In fall 2013, the United States Swim School Association presented Jim with the Humanitarian Award for his efforts bringing Stop Drowning Now’s program to Brazil, Mexico, Sweden, and partnerships in Colombia, Chile and throughout the United States. He is also the recipient of the Aquatics International 2015 Power Award.

Additionally, Jim has lectured all over the world. In Australia to the Australian Swim School Association; in Sweden to the Swedish Swimming Federation as well as the Nordic Baby Swim Conference; the World Aquatic Baby Congress and regularly at the US Swim School Association, the National Drowning Prevention Alliance and the Lifesaving Foundation of Ireland.

Jim’s passion is to create a world without drowning.

Musician Bio:
Houston based singer/songwriter Tom Tranchilla performs a variety of folk, Americana, country, ragtime and Blues, both covers and originals. Tom specializes in finger-style six and twelve string acoustic guitar and vocals. In addition, Tom Host’s the weekly radio show, “Songwriter’s Studio” on Pacifica Radio’s, KPFT, 90.1, Houston, TX (www.kpft.org), featuring songwriters, both regional and national. Read more at http://www.tomtranchilla.com/index.php/biography

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