—  Amy Monsky of Camp 42 | Weekly Sunday Gathering —  Baker Ripley, 6500 Rookin, Houston, TX

Join us in person or online

Main Topic:  Camp 42 Secular Camp

Speaker :  Amy Monsky

Amy Monsky is the founder and executive director for Camp 42, bringing a week of secular fun, friends, and freethought to kids (and adults!) in South Carolina, Florida, and Mississippi. Amy has served the freethought community since 2009 in various local, state, and national capacities, including executive director of Atheist Alliance of America, co-chair of the Secular Coalition for South Carolina, president of the Charleston-based Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry, and founder of Secular Humanist Families of Charleston, South Carolina’s first secular parenting support group. She received the Carolinas Freethinker of the Year award in 2012 and Camp Quest’s Builder award in 2016.

Music : Benjamin Grafton

Benjamin Grafton hails from Clear Lake, Texas. He got his start in music early, singing school choirs. Upon discovering Elton John, Benjamin undertook a self study of piano. Eventually picking up Guitar as well, he is a strong singer songwriter with a soulful voice and a passion for beautiful music.

Join In Person

Baker Ripley Community Center
6500 Rookin St
Houston, TX 77074

Houston Oasis meets in the Reunion Hall Gymnasium on the Baker Ripley campus. From Hillcroft St, turn right onto High Star Dr, then turn right into the Baker Ripley parking lot just past where the road curves to become Rookin St. You can park anywhere in this lot and follow the "Oasis" directional signs to the gym. Harris County is back at Level 3 - Moderate therefore we are relaxing our mask requirements

COVID-19 Policy:

Harris County is back at Level 3 - Moderate therefore we are relaxing our mask requirements Masks are now optional for fully vaccinated individuals. **We are continuing to monitor the COVID situation and these rules are subject to change View our Covid Policy at https://www.houstonoasis.org/covid-19-policy


Join Online:

Can’t make it in person?
Join us on our Youtube page at youtube.com/HoustonOasisOrg1

To join via Zoom, please check the Houston Oasis Facebook private page, Houston Oasis on meetup.com, or message someone you know in Houston Oasis for the link. You can also join our mailing list at www.houstonoasis.org/join to receive future event links via email.


You can also join our mailing list at www.houstonoasis.org/join to receive future event links via email.

Can’t make it in person?

Join us on our Youtube page at youtube.com/HoustonOasisOrg1

To join via Zoom, please check the Houston Oasis Facebook private page, Houston Oasis on meetup.com, or message someone you know in Houston Oasis for the link. You can also join our mailing list at www.houstonoasis.org/join to receive future event links via email.