— Secularizing Our Nation’s Students | David Tamayo | Weekly Sunday Gathering — Baker Ripley, 6500 Rookin, Houston, TX
Main Topic: Secularizing Our Nation’s Students
There is, perhaps, no other group that is sought after by religion like Hispanics in the U.S. Cultural disadvantages including superstitions and self-discrimination currently make it more likely that you’ll find Hispanics working as gardeners than as CEO’s. With a Hispanic child turning age 18 every 30 seconds in the U.S., we must ensure this population has the proper critical thinking skills for a bright American future. This short talk will address how Hispanic American Freethinkers has been able to get in the classrooms to help students become better thinkers.
Speaker : David Tamayo
David Tamayo is founder and president of Hispanic American Freethinkers (HAFree), a 501(c)(3) organization. He was a founding board director of Camp Quest Chesapeake as well as Vice President of the Reason Rally 2016. He is, also, currently a member of the Board of Directors for Freedom from Religion Foundation as well as Treasurer for the American Humanist Foundation. He is head organizer of HAFree High School Outreach Mentor Program to Hispanic and immigrant students teaching Critical Thinking Skills and career planning in Northern Virginia. David serves as CIO for a large aerospace engineering company in Washington, DC; he has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from George Washington University as well as a master’s degree in Management in Information Systems from the University of Virginia.
Community Moment: "Finding Life's Purpose Without Religion" by Brandon Baldwin
Brandon Baldwin tells his story from losing his life's purpose after quitting Moody Bible Institute and abandoning Christianity to search and discover a new and fulfilling life apart from religion.
Music : Jimmy Smith Pedal Steel Trio
Born and raised in Tulsa Oklahoma, James Kenneth Smith moved down to Texas in 2004 to pursue his music education. After a short time in Galveston, moved to San Marcos TX to study at Texas State University where he
graduated with a Degree in Jazz Studies in 2011. Subsequently moved to Houston where he was a freelance musician and guitar instructor. In 2016 started working as Orchestra/Showband Guitarist for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines until March 2020. Upon his return to Houston, he has continued his work as a freelance musician and guitar instructor.
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6500 Rookin St
Houston, TX 77074
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