—  Teaching values in the Texas prison system —  Baker Ripley, 6500 Rookin, Houston, TX

Main Talk : Teaching values in the Texas prison system 

Speaker : Jeffrey Leppart

Musician : Nicole Quinn 

Speaker Bio : 

Jeff is a long time member of the community. He is an avid saxophonist and plays with the Ace Quality Jazz Band. He has a masters in Education from the University of North Texas and has been a long time educator. 

Musician Bio: 

Nicole Quinn is a Houston,TX native Singer-Songwriter who spans a few different genres of performances including confessional songs she writes about her own experiences, as well as a unique "Tongue-in-Cheek" Cabaret style variety show. Either way, she will definitely catch your attention with her captivating voice and her subtle humor and always "promises a show"!

## Join us every Sunday morning!

### Coffee and Conversation at 10:00AM Program Begins at 10:30AM

#### (Note: We are back to in person gatherings. Live Streaming on our FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE pages at 10:30 AM Central time every Sunday)

The program starts at 10:30 AM, and people are encouraged to come half an hour earlier for coffee, snacks, and conversation. If it's your first time visiting, make sure to stop by our welcome table in the back of the room to say hello and learn more about Oasis. Parents can drop off their young ones with our team in the kids room, where they will meet new friends and enjoy fun activities together.
#### For more info go to https://www.houstonoasis.org/join
In order to keep all participants safe, we will be observing the following:

COVID-19 Policy:

Harris County is back at Level 3 - Moderate therefore we are relaxing our mask requirements Masks are now optional for fully vaccinated individuals. **We are continuing to monitor the COVID situation and these rules are subject to change View our Covid Policy at https://www.houstonoasis.org/covid-19-policy

Masks are optional.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, are waiting for COVID-19 test results, have COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have had close contact with a person who has tested positive for or who has symptoms of COVID-19 DO NOT attend an Oasis event.

If you test positive and have attended ANY Oasis event within 14 days please notify the Board at Board@HoustonOasis.org. We will keep your name and information anonymous.