—  Rethinking school education in information age | Wan Kun Sandy | Weekly Sunday Gathering —  The Montrose Center 401 Branard St #107, Houston, TX 77006

Join us in person or online

Main Topic: Rethinking school education in information age

Main Speaker: Wan Kun Sandy

Community Moment:  Building A Secular Utopia by Jacob Atchison

Music: Brightwire

Main talk Summary:


Speaker Bio :

Sandy is 24 years old from Indonesia. He graduated with a degree in biological sciences, continued with teacher certification program. He loves reading, browsing the internet, and watching anime. Interests ranging from education, history, culture, religion, psychology, and sciences.

Musician Bio :

Brightwire is an folk-rock band hailing from southeast Texas. Combining elements of folk, rock, country, punk and whatever else they happen to get interested in, they weave tales of lives lived in our world today. For them, music is about inclusion and letting others know they are not alone in their struggles. Their latest album, Cracked, Flawed and Frayed, was named one of the top local albums of 2021 by the Houston Chronicle. Their last single, Better Off Gone, was named to multiple end of the year lists in 2022 as far away as Boston, MA.

We are back to our regular start time of 10:30 AM. Doors open at 10:00 AM

Join In Person


The Montrose Center 

401 Branard St #107

Houston, TX 77006

We are on the first floor of the Montrose Center (One level above the ground floor) in room #107 across from the elevators. You will need to take either the stairs or the elevator to get to Floor 1

COVID-19 Policy:

Harris County is back at Level 1- Low. Therefore we are relaxing our mask requirements. Masks are now optional for all. **We are continuing to monitor the COVID situation and these rules are subject to change View our Covid Policy at https://www.houstonoasis.org/covid-19-policy

Join Online:

Can’t make it in person?
Join us on our Youtube page at youtube.com/HoustonOasisOrg1

To join via Zoom, please check the Houston Oasis Facebook private page, Houston Oasis on meetup.com, or message someone you know in Houston Oasis for the link. You can also join our mailing list at www.houstonoasis.org/join to receive future event links via email.

You can also join our mailing list at www.houstonoasis.org/join to receive future event links via email.