— The Political Potential of Religious Pluralism | Evan Stewart | Sunday Gathering April 7 2024 — The Montrose Center 401 Branard St #106, Houston, TX 77006
Main Topic: The Political Potential of Religious Pluralism - Evan Stewart
Music: Nicole Quinn
Community Moment: Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month - Emily Kremer
Main Topic Summary
For years, researchers and community leaders have worried that these two trends in religion are part of a larger disengagement from democratic life. They worry that secular and spiritual people are pursuing more self-interested — even selfish — goals instead of sticking with traditional centers of community wellbeing.
Speaker Bio
Evan Stewart is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where he researches the social forces that bring diverse groups of people together and break them apart. His research has been published in leading social science journals, and his public commentary has been featured at outlets including The Conversation, FiveThirtyEight, and WBUR Boston.
Musician Bio
Nicole Quinn is an Austin, TX local performer hailing from Houston, who brings a whimsical flair to your favorite songs and breathes new life into them. She has a background in many performance mediums including Singing, Acting, Burlesque and Comedy, but she has stayed true to the nickname “Songbird” that was given to her and always comes back to the music. You can learn more about Nicole at Songbirdatx.com.
Our program starts at 10:30 AM. Doors open at 10:00 AM
Join In Person
The Montrose Center
401 Branard St #106
Houston, TX 77006
We are on the first floor of the Montrose Center (One level above the ground floor) in room #107 across from the elevators. You will need to take either the stairs or the elevator to get to Floor 1.
Join Online:
Can’t make it in person?Join us on our Youtube page at youtube.com/HoustonOasisOrg1
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