
Wondrous Strange: Confronting Our Ignorance

In his iconic and arguably best play, Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Horatio are confronted by the ghost of the recently dead king. Horatio is understandably aghast, crying out, “O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!”

But What about the "What-Abouts?"

Have you heard this? “But what about before the Big Bang?” “What about life coming from inorganic material?” “What about missing links?” “But what about consciousness?”

Religion, Atheism and Science

I have always been intensely curious and from an early age read science books from the travelling library van that visited the farm where I grew up....

Craving Community

I love Alexis' vision for 2019: Community. I see myself as an integral part of that vision, and I hope that many of you do as well.

A Journey to Freethought

Like a great many people, Oasis folks included, I was brought up religious. I went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. I participated in church children’s choirs, attended Sunday school and participated in other church-related activities...

Thankfulness: Moving on from my Past

In the midst of the Thanksgiving season, what’s a newly de-converted person thankful for? Probably the same things appreciated by long-time atheist and Christian friends alike. The basics being: family, food, shelter, income, and Netflix. But there’s all sorts of wonderful things I’m thankful for...

Writing Our Secular Stories

What I love about this blog is the stories. I’m a bookworm, but serious reader or not, I believe the best introduction is always: “Let me tell you a story.”

On the Subject of Labeling

Since coming to Oasis, I’ve been asked by some long-time friends, “What’s the deal with this Oasis thing of yours?” often accompanied by a slight rolling of the eyes. I’m never offended since I’ve even asked the same question of myself.